This is a document window — the area in which you can type and edit text. The area inside this rectangle is selected. You can copy the selected area to the Clipboard by choosing Copy from the Edit menu. This is a document window — the area in which you can view and copy images from the SimpleText picture document. This is a document window. You cannot type or edit material in this document because the document is a read-only document. Size box To change the height and width of the window, drag the size box. Scroll bar Use the scroll bar to see items that are out of view. This scroll bar is not available because this window contains no items above or below the window’s borders. Scroll bar Use the scroll bar to see items that are out of view. This scroll bar is not available because this window contains no items to the left or right of the window’s borders. Scroll bar To scroll a little at a time, press one of the scroll arrows. To scroll by the windowful, click in the grey bar. To scroll to another part of the window, drag the scroll box.